Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I found this article a few weeks ago, and have been thinking about it since...take a moment, read the story, and then allow me to make a few comments.

February 26, 2007—After rumbling for weeks, part of a poor Guatemala City neighborhood plummeted some 30 stories into the Earth on Friday. The reportedly 330-foot-deep (100-meter-deep) sinkhole swallowed about a dozen homes and is so far blamed in the deaths of three people—two teenagers, found floating in torrent of sewage, and their father, who was pulled from the chasm. Rainstorms and a ruptured sewer main may have caused the sinkhole, officials in Guatemala told the Associated Press. After the collapse, the seemingly bottomless depths gave off tremors, sounds of flowing water, and the scent of sewage. Sinkholes can occur when underground rocks that can be dissolved by water—such as salt, gypsum, and limestone—are inundated. The removal of groundwater can also leave gaps underground that can lead to sinkholes. While the cause of the Guatemala City abyss remains uncertain, it's effects are undeniable.

I was fascinated by this story because of the depth and size of this sink hole. It must have been developing for a long time, and then, suddenly (or so it seems) the earth falls, and leaves this huge hole. The reason it caught my attention is because it reminded me of what the Bible describes when it talks about sin's effects. It may not appear that sin has any effect right now, but its erosion is guaranteed- it's gradual and progressive, but there will be a day when we will see its results. There will also be a day when we will see sin's impact in a life, and in a culture. There will be a day when the "earth gives way" and we will see what sin has done.

People think that since nothing has happened so far then all is well, but there's an erosion going on below the surface that may take some time to see, and then suddenly (or so it seems) life crumbles and leaves a huge hole.

Psa 7:15 He has dug a pit and hollowed it out, And has fallen into the hole which he made.

(An afterthought- I realize that this post left something out- the cross of Christ! My thoughts as I wrote, thinking about the sink hole, were meant to deal with the results of sin in our lives apart from the cross. I was not considering the work of Christ in my thoughts, but was focused on the issue of sin in a life not taken to the cross. This whole post looks completely different when seen through the cross, so please understand that the focus of this post is on sin and it's impact apart from Christ's finished work. Thanks. -Mike)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow! I am dealing with a young woman right now that insists that 's*x is not bad' she also insists that I think it is bad. I've had many a talk and explained that it is not bad, it is just dangerous outside of marriage.It is wonderful inside the arena of marriage. And that it is not me that is saying that, it is GOD. He is the one that says it is wrong outside of marriage. Why? For our protection, for our protection, for our protection...
    This picture is a perfect example of the many problems when we begin to live our lives by our feelings which sometimes lead us into sin. Feelings are important, but they cannot dictate our decisions. Only God's word is our foundation to build upon. (i deleted the other comment and replaced the word s*x - someone in our internet office told me that is a safer way to use the word on the net.

  3. The reason it caught my attention is because it reminded me of what the Bible describes when it talks about sin's effects. It may not appear that sin has any effect right now, but its erosion is guaranteed- it's gradual and progressive, but there will be a day when we will see its results.

    Good use of imagery and nice picture Mike. I pray that the Lord will not allow the sin in my life to grow.

  4. thekingpin68,

    It's great that our sins are forgiven, isn't it? I rejoice in that, and am glad that we can enjoy God's grace in Christ.

  5. It is a great analogy.

    Oh, and for the record, we don't live anywhere near there - or in Guatemala City. We live high up in the safe mountains.

    Where there are earth quakes.

    And an active volcano.

  6. Sometimes (like now) I feel like I'm at ground zero. Not necessarily the effects of sin, but a sudden, unexpected (to me) huge change in life. But it does force me to look up for help!
