Sunday, April 15, 2007

Spiritual realities

I'm taking a break between services, and to be honest...I think I did a poor job in the first service, but one thing I know- I prayed and asked God to glorify himself through me. That prayer, and that spiritual reality moves rock at a time. It's God who works in the spirit even when I think I did poorly in the flesh. I'm so glad I'm not doing this alone....even when I think I failed HE succeeds. Thanks Lord for doing the impossible! The work of God in spiritual realms will be wonderful to see.......and we will......very soon.

Ok, Lord, here I go again. Glorify yourself through me....I won't worry about the results, you do the impossible things...move those rocks!


  1. Mike, I find it strange that you say that you did a poor job, I said to my wife that I could sit through another hour of your insight! God is real and it shows!

    Keep up the Great work.

  2. You must have been at a different first service than my husband and I. We thought your lesson was excellent. And we got a chuckle at what sounded like "the feast of booze"...although I'm sure that's not really what you said. I think the lady behind us got the giggles, too!

  3. yeah, I know....I had to spell it in the second service so there would be no confusion.

    Glad I could make someone laugh.

  4. Mike I loved the pictures you showed. I'm a very visual person and I would never have "pictured" those "tents" that you showed. Thanks for helping me get what it looks like in my mind. I won't forget it. (And I was at the first service, too, and enjoyed it. That was a VERY HARD passage to preach from.)

  5. awesome message!

    After I saw the booths, I wondered if people in Florida would call it the Festival of Lanais or in the South, The Festival of the Verandas?

  6. Samantha,

    go to and then click on the sermons button. You can hear the latest by me which covered John 7. Love to have your thoughts!

