Saturday, April 21, 2007

Finding God

We all come to a faith in God in different ways. What was it that brought you to faith? What was the thing that made it real for you?
Yes, it's testimony time!


  1. I found God when He found me :)

    Greetings from Singapore, pastor! Hope you are doing well (by the grace of God!). Thanks for your numerous good posts. I am enjoying your insights and thoughts.

    May the Lord bless you richly as you minister to His saints.


  2. Freedom made it "real" for me. It was pretty wonderful that truth of Scripture took the key and unlocked the handcuffs of bitterness and anger (which I still struggle with today) that was, unknowingly, quietly enslaving me.

    It was experiencing freedom that was palpable to me, which allowed me to hear real music.

  3. When I was about 7 years old I woke up crying because I had hurt Jesus by not telling the truth to my mom. I woke her and asked Jesus to forgive me for my sin and make me clean and good like Him. I believe that I accepted the Lord at the foot of my mom's bed on a hot summer night. When did He become more REAL - when did I move from doing to being? When I was 29. I just knew that He was far away from me. My decisions since age 18 had lead me further and further into denial of just how much I needed Him. I was afraid I had committed the 'unpardonable sin' - not knowing quite what that was. I called a friend and cried buckets telling her I prayed and read the Bible, but God just wasn't answering me. Surely, I thought I must have committed 'it' whatever 'it' was... I will never forget her holding back her guffaw, "Well, mm. I think if you had committed the unpardonable sin, you wouldn't be crying about it!" She was the first one I heard say, "If somebody has moved away, it sure isn't God. Just get back to Him."
    I feel on my face on that October afternoon, with 3 small children taking naps. I ate carpet, cried and with every ounce of the being that I knew myself to be at that time, I told God I didn't care what happened, what it took, or where I had to go, I just wanted to know HIM more than anything else in the world. Und jetzt...
    I know HIM more - want to love HIM more - want to know HIM MORE!!!
    It is still my battlecry.

  4. Greetings to you Vincit in Singapore!! GOD knew me before I was born. I accepted Christ at a very young age. I had always walked my life with awareness of HIM. I remember in my teens and twenties that I sought after HIM feverently. The world and the ministry I sought after actively told me the world was gray and the Bible was not written to be understood. Not quite knowing what to do and seeing that no matter how hard I tried I couldn't hold to the Law I started to believe this in my thirties, then I moved to Texas. GOD used many good men to bring me back to the truth including Tim S.,Mike M., Dave S., and one on one with Darren Maybery. I had been searching for GOD while HE was in front of me the whole time. Like that poem about footprints, HE never left I was running away from my conviction of sin. I know the truth it is ingrained and embedded into my being. I feel some days like I am on fire to tell all and I do. I hate to see doubt or fear of the future with a HOLY Sovereign LORD over ALL. I could say about all this that HE found me but to be honest HE never lost me I just had my head in the sand like an ostridge hiding in perfect view of the LORD.

