Monday, April 30, 2007

Christians in business

I was visiting with one of our men in the church this weekend. He had some questions about some business ventures he's part of with another Christian. His partner wants to take time to pray about every move, every decision. The man that called me said, "I don't believe that's necessary. I believe if my relationship with God is right, then the business will take care of itself."

He made a brilliant insight. God's working on hearts, not businesses. Now I know I will hear protests on this statement, but think about it for a minute....God's in the "heart business"...transforming lives, not in the "business-business"...making "Christian" businesses.

In fact I don't think there is any such thing as a "Christian" business. There are Christians who are in business, but the business itself has no moral character or conviction. It only reflects the heart and nature of the owner.

So, what's the application? Make sure you have a life surrendered to Jesus as Lord, make sure you are walking in the Spirit, and then go live your day. The business decisions will reflect who you are....your life will be demonstrated in what you say and what you do.

Make sure your walk with God is right, and business will work itself out...

Sounds simple, doesn't it? Yes. It friend has it right.


  1. It's funny how paralyzed we can make ourselves.

    I'm all for praying, but unless there is a reason to wait on something, you've got to just trust God and move forward. I'm not sure how else to go about life.

    There ARE times when we need an answer to something specific and we must wait on the Lord. But being right with Him is more important that making the right decision.

  2. Brandon, I agree. It makes decision making much easier.

  3. Umm...were you implying that if your heart isn't right with God then the business won't do well?

  4. anonymous,

    I am not even thinking about that....just saying that a heart in relationship with God is key.

    I don't even want to address results...that's not a topic on my list right now, but I'm willing to discuss it if you wish.

  5. In could be walking with the Lord and your business could be a complete failure and you would still be right with God. I see no scripture that tells me I will succeed in business if I do certain things in my faith relationship. The faith movement that has polluted the Christian world has given many a wrong idea of how to "get God to do things for us". It's not true! So, my point earlier was just this- a right relationship with God is the main thing. What happens in business is a completely different discussion....

  6. All,

    Short time reader - First time responder - I believe that Mike accurately states that God is in the heart business of each one of us (if we choose not to harden our hearts). Additionally, the right relationship with God takes care of every aspect of your life.

    Whether it is our churches, marriages, parenting, businesses or any other aspect of your life (either success or failure - does not matter from a worldly view, but from a Godly view) all are significant learning opportunities to depend and grow in our relationship with God. I believe that it is good to pray about every move, every decision - does it happen all the time for me - no.

    Philippians 4:6 (New International Version)
    “6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

    To my knowledge God answers all my prayers with either with a yes, a no or He’s got something better (meaning an opportunity to depend and grow in my relationship with Him) for me and I need patience to wait on Him. Most times when He answers it is not in the answer I wanted or the way I thought it would be answered. After all eternity to my knowledge has no end, it’s perfect in Heaven and that’s where I am striving to be.

    Philippians 3:12-14 (New International Version)
    “12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

    Decision making, for me, is a process of continual learning from Bible and also application of it.

    James 1:22 (New International Version)
    “22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”

    Side bar - Thank you Mike for all that you do.

    Bob the Builder

  7. Bob, thanks, great words. I appreciate your thoughts!
