Saturday, March 10, 2007

A special visit

I had a rare honor today. I got to visit the home of a man dying of cancer. He has a very short time left. He's only 45.
In the discovery of his disease he also discovered God.
In facing death he also chose to face his spiritual dilemma.
His name is Tom. In the last week he called his friends who were Christians and asked, "what must I do to be saved?" His friends met with him, shared the gospel message, and Tom put his trust in Christ for forgiveness of sin and salvation.
His family and friends gathered at his home today. They were there to witness Tom's baptism. We all gathered around Tom's bed. Tom shared with us his faith in Christ, and his assurance of knowing that his sins were forgiven. Tom almost glowed through the pain as I listened to him talk. Tears were plentiful.
I took a few minutes to share, with those attending, the gospel message and the choice Tom had made.
We talked about man's dilemma- the fact that we are all sinners in need of a savior.
We talked about God's solution- Christ's death on the cross.
We talked about our need to trust Christ for salvation and forgiveness of sin.
We talked about Tom's choice.
Then I took a glass of water, and baptised Tom while he lay in his bed. It was a heavenly moment. It was a holy event. In that moment I could sense God's love for Tom.
I invited those there with us to share their hearts with Tom. It was a worship service like none you have ever seen. It was a holy event like few I have ever been part of. It was a wake with the guest of honor in attendance. It was as close to heaven as I have been in a long time. It was a moment in time that changed lives...Tom's included.
Tom literally beamed, wet face and all.
He's ready to go.
His only regret is waiting until the very end to know and experience the love of God.
As I sit here and think about those few moments in time I realize that people driving by had no idea what was happening in Tom's life and the lives of those attending. So many miss the love of God because they are too busy...too busy with life here. Too busy with work, with soccer, with living. Too busy to take care of the really important things, things of eternal value. Death has a funny way of making us focus on what's really important.
I'm so glad I got to be part of Tom's life and see the wonderful work of God in him. I know I will see him in heaven....welcome to the family, Tom!

Act 4:12 "And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved."