Monday, March 05, 2007

Monday update

Monday morning, a day off for me, and a little time to simply rest. Last night we had a congregational meeting to update our church family on all that is going on. We have a lot of changes happening, and I am excited about the direction we are moving, but change, even good change, is hard sometimes.

It will be exciting to see how God works in our church in the days ahead. I really do see good things ahead. The last few months have been very difficult for our church, but I think these days have actually made our church family even stronger. I can't wait to see what God is going to do next.


  1. The moon is a wonderful moderator of change...
    He (the moon is masculine in German) keeps our nights bright and gives us wonderful images to fall in love by...
    I like change more than I used to -but I also like life a lot more than I used to - maybe it is because I love God a lot more than I used to??????? Whatcha think? Maybe it is because the hard times have proven Him to be faithful, unfailing in His goodness and in His love! I'm praying that for CBC - and I do believe it is happening!

  2. I love what James says... "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds! For you KNOW that it is the testing of your faith that develops perseverance!"

    You're right... as we walk in the fire, as we go through the trials, He only makes us stronger and more reliant on Him :)
