Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Life is never boring. There are spices for each day. I find that I wake up not knowing what's ahead. Each new day has seasoning of its own...spices that flavor that day. I never know what it will be.

Personally, I love Indian food, Mexican food, Chinese food, German food.....well, you get the idea. I think it's the different spices that flavor each food that I really enjoy.

My days are like that. I love the spice of each day as much as the day itself. I love the salt of tears that come from both joy and sorrow. I love the hot pepper of a spirited visit with a friend. I love the sweet of fellowship with my wife. I love the bitter-sweet taste of old friendships revisited.

Flavors abound. They make the days memorable. It's the days of my life without any spice that I will forget, but add a little spice....a laugh, a tear, a giggle, a friend, and it will be a day I won't forget.

One advantage of age is that I begin to see the blessing of those things I used to dread. Oh for a day with spice...that will be a day I will remember.

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