Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I've been thinking...

I've been thinking...
-why does it take old age to make us less concerned about what people think of us?
-why are we so hard on each other? Is it an attempt to elevate ourselves?
-why do we worry so much? Is God really in charge or not?
-why don't we spend time in the word and prayer? what does that say about our desire to hear from God or talk to him?
-why do we wait until retirement to "enjoy life"?
-why are we so fearful?
-why do we have such a battle with accepting ourselves as God made us?
-why are people so angry? It's almost the posture of the day, why is this happening?
-why are TV shows so bad? We are down to about 1 hour of TV per week now...there's nothing good on TV. (I guess that's good...I get a lot more reading done.)
-why don't we have more good aromatics to cook with? (onions and garlic) There has to be more than these two!
.....just a few things I've been thinking about...


  1. The picture is the best! I laughed out loud when your page came up. (Thanks for the chuckle!)

    Aromatics? What about celery and peppers?

    TV - I have no idea why I pay for all the stations that we have. I think it's a waste of money because all we ever watch is the Food Network, Discovery network, Survivor (sometimes), Amazing Race (always) and a few old movies here and there. Somedays the idiot box isn't even turned on.

    My question is why are we always talking on the cell phone? Who and what is so important that people feel the need to constantly hang on these things? I'll bet they would easily waste an hour talking on the cell phone (about nothing) and say they didn't have time to read a thing in the Word (for even just 5 minutes). Go figure.

    Good observations, Mike! If you discover any answers to life's persistent questions (sorry, that is from Guy Noire on Prairie Home Companion), then let us all know.

  2. I think the answer to all of the questions (with the exception of the last one, on which I found a good article: is SIN. Sad to say. Let's let our minds wander to a new life w/o sin where we won't have those encumbrances. Won't it be great fun? There may even be MORE aromatics available!!!!

  3. Good questions and I often think of them myself.

    I've been asking God these questions.. "why do i worry so much?" "why am i so fearful?" "why do i listen more to the opinions of what PEOPLE think of me, rather than what YOU think of me?"

    With these questions.. I'm finding that as I draw closer to Him, and are more in His Word... these thoughts and worries disolve.

  4. Good questions. My main one is, "Why am I such a loner? What is wrong with me?" I don't crave interaction with people. From reading and listening to others, it would seem something is broken. Maybe just living in a house with 5 other people is interaction enough! LOL!

  5. Why so many questions? (just kidding)

    I'm amazed that you can even find 1 hour of TV that's worth watching.

    I think Joye hit the nail on the head. Sin.
