Sunday, March 25, 2007

The great adventure

The christian life is the great adventure. There is no life more exciting than the life of a christian. Starting with this picture what would you say about your walk with God? Yes, it's your turn to talk about what God is doing in your life...have fun....I'm looking forward to hearing your story.


  1. What is God Where do I begin on this one...MOSTLY teaching me that it's not about me, my comfort or my convenience. It's about Him, His glory and His plan. I should be more grateful He allows me to even do ONE thing for Him during my lifetime. I should be more grateful He has blessed me with every spiritual blessing. I should be more thankful He will complete the work He has begun in me.

    And on top of all that spiritual stuff, I should be more thankful that He has blessed me with the gift of a loving husband and 2 incredible children and the fact that I live such a cushy life in suburban middle class America.

  2. A dear friend gave me a card one time with Moses and Aaron about to cross the Red Sea. Aaron had a floatie around his middle (with a little animal head at the front). Moses looked at him and said "Take off the floatie Aaron."

    Often I think that is my relationship with God. I want to trust He is in total control and I want to trust He will keep me safe. However, I still have my floatie on. Yes, I trust, but ...

    I am trying to get the anxiousness out of my life. I know the Bible tells us to be anxious for nothing. I often ask myself "What part of "nothing" do you not get?"

    He knows what is going on. He is in control. He has a plan. He loves me totally. Going to the edge with Him should be an easy thing. But, I'm still anxious.

  3. I had to post after reading Lu's response, because it is something I am struggling with. I keep asking myself why am I so anxious to let go and trust him to take care of me when he has given me so much. He is doing so much. This issue was really hitting home yesterday during Bill’s sermon. It was eating away at me last night as I was trying to sleep and then to wake up and read that someone else struggles with this same issue is no coincidence. Huh?

  4. Taking risks, leaps of faith, getting out of my comfort zone. I have been confronted with it several times in the last few weeks. I take comfort in the mundane--washing dishes, laundry, housekeeping--so getting on a plane and flying to a vacation destination, adopting a stray, transitioning from a volunteer role to a working-part-time role, and planning a family road-trip vacation with two young children and involving other relatives ... whew, I'm exhausted.

    Sounds like a good time to read the Word and "wait" for some "eagles wings" :)

  5. I was having that picture moment in church last Sunday.

    God was saying this is what I want you to do? Followed by an instrustion and then another question. Are you going to obey? Are you willing to trust me on the edge without a plan about how to accomplish the next step.

    Are you going to obey even when you know that others are going to judge you from the places their hearts stands and therefore misunderstand your heart?

    Are you going to trust that we can deal with that together? And that we can learn to deal with that in love.

    God is teaching me that obedience sometimes leads to chaos and undiscernable reasons for why God is asking what He is asking. But if I talk to Him about all that and surrender my will to His that it is possible to experience peace on the edge of the cliff.

    Only God can do that!

  6. Well Mike... what can I say. I skip alot on what God is doing in my life on my blog, just because it is so personal and deep. But this year has been an incredibly hard yet... yet necessary. God has been doing alot of healing in my heart. Healing of deep wounds. He is like a soothing balm ;)

  7. In a country where everything is either late or broken I'm finding more and more that my walk with God is learning patience, perserverance, and trust. I feel as if I am constantly upset, angry or frustrated with the way things go even though I know, that's just the way things are where I live.
    However that's the way things are where everyone lives. It's a broken world, now if I can just learn to be patient and wait while God fixes the part I'm in. It all works for his glory anyway!
