Saturday, March 31, 2007

Eternal ripples

I was able to attend and participate in a memorial service for a very dear lady today. One who loved the Lord and loved others. She is home with the Lord today, but the footprints of her life will be seen for years to come. She cared for and loved others in a way that changed their lives, and she did it by aiming them to Christ.

Jesus said, "You are the light of the world...let your light shine in such a way that people will see your good works and glorify your father in heaven."

This dear one always had her light pointed toward Christ. Her life has glorified the Lord, and the ripples from that one life will be eternal.

Well done, dear friend, you have FINISHED WELL!


  1. It was an awesome service. i can't remember ever being so satisfied after a memorial/celebration service....than on Saturday. I think it was a combination of the words spoken, the stories shared and the life I knew...and how she lived so well in Christ.

    The service reflected her life. God is still good!
