Monday, March 19, 2007

Early morning thoughts

This morning, at 3, I woke up. I do that often. I will often use those times to pray, read or write. This morning I wrote a great blog piece (trust me), hit the wrong key, and lost it all. Now that's a bad way to start the day!

Basically what I was thinking about this morning is God's placement of me in time and history to be part of his kingdom plan. I'm here, in this place at this time by his divine plan. He has a task for me to do in his kingdom.

For me, I have always sought lofty accomplishments. I have wanted to do great things for God- build big churches, be the next Billy Graham, or write the great Christian get the idea, but that's not what I was made for. And I must be honest, finding out what God made you to do and doing it is one of the most important things in life! I was made to care for people. If all I do in life is touch one life at a time with the gospel and help people in their walk with God then my reward at the judgment seat of Christ will be what God intended because I did what I was designed to do.

I am always amazed by the picture painted in Revelation of 4 angels who were created to do one thing, and they haven't done it yet! They will be successful because the will do their one thing as God planned. And that's my goal- to do those things I was made for. It's funny how grand aspirations fall away quickly when you know what God made you to do.

If you don't know what the Father designed you to do then ask him. Ask a pastor. Talk to your friends. Get in the word. The best place you can be is to be you doing what God made you to do.

1Co 12:7 Each person is given something to do that shows who God is: Everyone gets in on it, everyone benefits. All kinds of things are handed out by the Spirit, and to all kinds of people!


  1. I needed to read this, Mike. Thanks for those thoughts. I can't imagine the ones at 3am were better.

    This makes me think of something Luci Swindoll said - she said that when God called her to start speaking she really was afraid considering her brother is the famous Chuck Swindoll. She said that she told God, "God, I can't do this. I'm not Chuck!" and God impressed on her that He needed Luci as He already had Chuck. What a great thought! Sometimes it's hard for me not to compare my gifts and purpose with someone else's who might at first glance seem more "important" for the kingdom. But God obviously gifted me differently for a reason.

  2. Hi Mike,

    I can remember a time when I was afraid to believe that finding what God had created me for wasn't just a pipe dream. People were testifying to it happening in their lives, just like you did today. I wanted to believe. But I began to wonder if just some are chosen for that path and the rest of us just get to be tormented with purposelessness till we make it to heaven.

    Just yesterday one of our pastors here called it the "sweet spot". Now that I've begun to taste the "sweet spot" in my own life I'm so excited about the opportunity to help others when they struggle to believe they have been gifted by and designed by God.

    Blessings on ya,

  3. Hi Mike,

    That post on my blog was a prophetic word that was given to the body of Christ, for this season.


