Thursday, February 22, 2007

Things that don't make sense

What a world! We live in a time when people do and say things that don't make sense, then again maybe we have always been that way and I'm just now noticing. Anyway, this will be a new additon to this blog with funny signs, videos and "things that don't make sense." Some of the best material for this is in the news! As I find them you will see them. As you know by now I love humor, and think life should be enjoyed....there are a lot of bad days, so make the best of the good ones! Didn't Paul say the same thing? Something like, "rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice." I agree with him, and will try to make sure you get to smile once in a while.
Have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha sign not in use.. that's good!

    I love that you are so lighthearted and always optimistic :)
