Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Crazy Indian Music Video

Now for something completely different!

Don't ask why, just enjoy.


  1. OK, away from the You Tube. Maybe it's time to...ah...take a day off, perhaps? To think you actually sat and watched that flashback to 1973 has me worried!!!!

  2. Kevin,

    I know...amazing, huh? When you're bored...nothing to say, and you find something like's too good not to post!

  3. It's George Michael (of WHAM) meets Michael Jackson with costumes by the Telletubbies!
    --Or was it The Wiggles on acid? Hillarious!!! SM

  4. Hey Pastor,

    I couldn't make out what they were singing about. Probably related to the recent spate of Avian Flu outbreaks and the crisis in Iraq.

    We get Bollywood movies all the time on our channels. It is not unusual to see such ... em ... talents dancing around trees or appearing suddenly in the middle of the seven wonders of the world, complete with background rock music. It's something like Madonna in spasms with zombies following suit. But that's Bollywood, and it's good according to local Hindi standards. Enjoy!

  5. Vincent,

    we love the Bollywood movies when we can get them here, but it's rare that they show them.

  6. Humm... I'm guessing a high school production of Grease at Istanbul High or perhaps Hindi Funk. Either way, I'm wondering what you saw as the redeeming value in this piece. You aren't really thinking of auditioning for Dancing With the Stars, are you?

  7. CBC101- no redeeming value at all, it was just fun. sometimes that's good....if it made you smile, then it did its job.
