Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A good book to put on your list

I don't do this often, because I know that not everyone wants to know all the books us pastors read, but I'm half way through one that I really like. I will have to read it again when I finish (strange, huh?)

It's not a new publication, but very good, it's titled "The divine conspiracy" by Dallas Willard.

I'm also part way through one called "When bad Christians happen to good people" by Dave Burchett. It's also very good.

What are you reading?


  1. Hi Pastor,

    Thanks for your encouragements on my blog. And most of all, thanks for the edifying posts on your blog!

    BTW, I read some Peanuts comics this morning :)

    I guess every Christian boy and girl can do with some good books which feed their souls.

    In Christ,

  2. I ordered two Jill Briscoe books, and they came in the mail today!! I can't wait to read them --God's Front Door and A little Pot of Oil.

  3. "The Pursuit of Happyness." I really thought it would be more about how the author made his fortune, but so far, it's more about his childhood. I'm a little disappointed as I think he gets into too much graphic detail. At this point, I wouldn't recommend it.

  4. Thanks for the recommendations Mike. I'll get to some real books one day I hope. Most of my reading these days consists of "The Little Engine That Could", "Dr. Seuss's ABCs" and "Goodnight Moon". :) I've got a stack of books I look forward to getting to that have more words and fewer pictures though. :)

  5. "For Women Only" by Shaunti Feldhahn. It is about the secret workings of the inner lives of men and all women should READ THIS BOOK!! It is soooo good and will illiminate your man! Many, many, many late night excellent discussions with Greg....they have been really interesting. She has one for men only too..I'm getting it.

    The other is "Prime Rib and Apple" by Jill Briscoe. It is one of her older books, and soooo good.

    SM, I read A Little Pot of Oil by Briscoe, and it was really good. Heidi

  6. Is that supposed to be illuminate? heehee. had to giggle about that one, heidi day..

  7. Oh....I yes, it's ILLUMINATE. My fingers get too fast on this thing. :-)))) Heidi
