Friday, January 05, 2007

Enjoying average

Life isn't always exciting. There are many days that are just downright boring. Nothing happens. We just live, work, eat and sleep. It's life. It's average sometimes, and that's great for me. I think we have an urgency to accomplish something in our lives, so it's hard for us to have a "nothing day." But the truth is that God isn't after accomplishments in our lives, he's after a relationship...with us! So, if I have a nothing day, and yet in that day spend some time with the God who made me, then it was an awesome day.

Psa 37:7 Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him;


  1. More boring days than not. But any day with you is an awesome day, too, honey. :)

  2. I'm glad you wrote this entry. I definitely had one of those days yesterday. I didn't feel like I accomplished one darn thing...but I did spend quite a bit of time in the Word puzzling over Ezekiel. I had a good time, but felt guilty that I hadn't accomplished more around the house. (And Ezekiel is just for my own benefit - it's not even part of the Bible study that I'm in so I felt guilty about that, too!)
