Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Did you "feel" it?

Today Called the Most Depressing Day of the Year (NPR News)

January 22, 2007 · January 22 is the most depressing day of the year, according to Wales-based psychologist Cliff Arnall. Arnall talks with Luke Burbank about why the day is so depressing, how to get through it and when to mark the happiest day of the year on your calendar...

I couldn't find the rest of the story on the NPR site, but I'm thrilled that I made it through the most depressing day of the year and I barely even noticed! I guess we need to mark it on the calendar next year so we can "celebrate" it. It's a shame to miss such an important day in the year and not even feel it, not even be depressed...I feel like I got cheated...it really wasn't that bad for me at all!

Now I have to find out which day is the happiest and get ready for it. With the way my days go I will probably not enjoy it at all.


  1. I'm so glad I know the reason for my blue funk. Do let your loyal readers know when we will be celebrating the happy day. I'll see if I can muster the necessary enthusiasm (not easy for an Eeyore gal like me.)

  2. I felt it and had some chocolate. Made the world right again.

  3. well...felt it a little. glad to know there's a scientific reason behind it. ;)
