Monday, January 08, 2007

Deep thoughts, part 2

Ok, now for some deep thoughts from a shallow mind. Realize that profound is just a word to me, and I live in the world of application (so what do I do with that?) So my thoughts will not stir you to great heights, but I do hope they will encourage you.

The older I get the simpler things become.

It's not that I have things figured out, but I have lived long enough to make some simple observations. My conclusions are rather simple. After years in business and in ministry I have seen a lot. My friendships have been with the rich and with the needy. I have spent time with the "pretty people" and with those who find themselves the outcasts of their culture. I have friends who have multiple educational degrees and others who didn't finish high school.

I could continue with the contrasts, there are many of them, but the truth is that life comes down to some very simple things- 1. There is a God I will report to, and 2. the only thing that will last in this world are people.

So, I have decided to focus on those two things- God and people. The rest is just "bling", as our culture describes it. The rest are just distractions from the most important things.

Jesus said it best, so let me close this short post with his words,

Mat 6:33 Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.
Mat 6:34 "Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.


  1. Mike,
    Your thoughts do encourage me greatly. Thanks for sharing them. I really enjoyed your sermon yesterday too.
    I often struggle with people. People out in the world drive me crazy. I never cease to be amazed at how selfish and self-centered people are. It frustrates me to no end. But, you know what? I bet people get that impression of me sometimes too. If I concentrate on loving those people that drive me nuts then, I will be better for it and maybe they will be too.
    Thanks for reminding me of that concept.

  2. I love how you distill things down to simple terms. I think this way too. You make sense to me. I can apply what you teach. I can remember what you teach. Thank you for sharing with us.
