Friday, December 08, 2006

Tired of the curse

I'm so tired of the curse. It weighs the human race down with such a load that it's impossible to do and be what we were meant for. It feels much like this little ass....with such a load it's impossible for him to do what he was meant to do. What can he do? On his own he's helpless!

And so are we. Apart from the saving work of Christ to die for us, take the load of sin, and free us to be what he designed us to be, we are forever defeated. Thankfully Christ has died and risen again to pay for our sins and give us new life....

...and yet....I am still waiting for the hope of my salvation to arrive and finish what he has started. I can't wait for that day, but until then I must admit I'm tired of the curse. I'm tired of what it does in me, and how it affects those I love. I'm weary of illness, death and sin. I'm tired of what the curse has done to us and our world. I can't wait for the day when all will be made right as God intended. I can't wait for sickness and death to end. I can't wait for tears to stop. I can't wait until our enemy is forever defeated.

Until then I pray for my dear friends struggling with illness. I pray for the lost I know who so desperately need a savior and have no hope. I pray for the church, the bride, waiting for her groom. I pray for those around me to find the true meaning of this season and find the Messiah who takes away the load of sin that makes us unable to please the God who made us.

Until that day...the day when Christ returns...I will trust the Lord. My hope is in a risen Christ who will come for us soon, and deal with this dreaded curse of sin, sickness and death. Come Lord Jesus, come.


  1. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired, too. I often say, "Come quickly, Lord Jesus!" I know I shouldn't dwell on it, but sometimes it's nice to know I'm not alone. Thanks for the post.
