Friday, December 29, 2006

Not far from the kingdom of God

Sunday is coming, and I am preparing a message. Just taking a moments break to change my thoughts. It's hard when you hit a mental wall. I have a clear understanding of what I want to say (big picture), but the details elude me. I am going to be in Mark these next two weeks. One of the passages that really sticks in my head is something that Jesus said to one of the religious leaders, "You are not far from the kingdom of God." I know, if I had been in the crowd listening that day, I would be like this little girl, picking my nose and thinking, "huh?" I shouldn't say this, but I feel that way a lot! Ok, back to the point- not far from the kingdom. We somehow have a funny idea that the kingdom is coming "someday," and yet Jesus made it clear that this scribe, 2,000 years ago, was near it.

It's clear from the passage in Mark that this man was a seeker, and looking for answers. Jesus told him that he was close. I wonder if he pursued Jesus later to ask, "how do I get from here to there?" I know I would have. If I'm near, what else do I need to do?

I guess my questions range in this direction- Do most people know that God has a kingdom? Do they really want to be part of it? Do they know it's already being inhabitated? Is there a longing in their hearts to find this kingdom? How do we help those around us find the way in?

Like this little girl, I stand, picking my nose and wondering...


  1. Dear Ptr Mike,

    Well, I too am digging my nose sometimes ... heh heh. But one thing for sure, we all need Jesus to get into this Kingdom of God. And may the light of the gospel shines forth in every corner of the world.

    Thanks for your edifying blog.

    In Christ,
    and Blessed New Year!!!

  2. (amidst giggles...)Thanks, Mike, for your refreshing honesty. I'm glad I'm not the only one who would have reacted that way. I still feel like I don't get what all this kingdom stuff is about. It's hard to see past the here and now, isn't it?

    Happy New Year!

  3. It is a confusing thought, this Kingdom thing. I think its because the kingdom is supposed to be a place (Definition: All of the territory that is ruled over by a king.)

    I think that means that the Kingdom is within *me* during this age... since it is my hope that the King of Kings rules over all of my territory.

    Mind blowing stuff....too deep and profound for my brain cells.

  4. Ok this is my question to you, what did Christ mean by saying you are not far from the Kingdom of GOD? Is this like saying you are close to salvation? I think maybe Christ recognised HIS Fathers work within the man through the Holy Spirit. I have to think that he had come to saving faith at some point.. Also Christ could be refering to himself as the kingdom through which Heaven itself is prepared.

    I appologize for being the Jack Handy of the group I seem to be a conversation ender mostly.


  5. I wonder too if 'Not Far' meant he was seeking out the LORD not to disprove but truely seeking HIM. The kind of seeking that could only spring from GOD Himself..
    Christ our LORD spoke with authority that must have blown the hair back on most of the Jews of the day. Humble but not meek, HIS authority was absolute...

    Reminds me of my favorite quote:

    On GOD,
    Its not the things I dont understand that bother me, its the things I do understand that keep me up at night.

    - Mark Twain

  6. Dave,

    Great thoughts and questions. When Jesus talks about the kingdom he's talking about the rule of God. From then until he returns it refers to the rule of God in a heart, a life. Jesus was saying to this man, "You are almost there, keep going....just a little what is it you should do next??" The next logical step for him would be to say, "Lord, I want you to be king in my life." That decision of faith is when we each enter the kingdom of God. For me, it happened on Dec. 8, 1964. On that night, at 9pm, I entered the kingdom of God, and I look forward to the day when that kingdom will rule over everything.
    I do hope this man did ask, "Ok, so what else do I need to do to get in?" I hope so.

    Great comments, and questions, Dave. Thanks.
