Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Impossible jobs

As you know, if you have stopped by this blog, I love strange pictures especially if they are "different." For me the picture inspires my thoughts, and off I go. This one has been in my library for a while...not sure what to make of it, but I knew I would use it at some point. I think it's simply a wonderful illustration of our attempts to tame the "whales" of our lives, to do the impossible. It's such a silly visual that you know it's not real, and yet...and yet I find myself trying to do the same thing in my own life...trying to tame the "whales" of my life. The reality is that I often try to tackle the task with the wrong equipment. A bridle and saddle is no solution for a killer whale.

Let me invite you to give this picture a title, add a verse if you wish, and tell a "whale story" of your own....have fun.


  1. If only you could find one herding cats. I would love to see an artist rendering of that! GOD changed my heart and I am just one man, think of how many hearts were changed by GOD! I cant wrap my brain around even that. Why me? I end up qouting alot because so many have stated things better than I ever could. The Gift, The Gift, The Gift....


  2. From my perspective, the cowboy isn't trying to TAME the whale, he's just trying to hold on for dear life! 8 seconds, he just has to hang in there for 8 seconds. That pretty much describes life, doesn't it? Just hangin' in there as we "press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." (Phil. 3:14)

  3. Love the picture, Mike.

    Oh, Joye. I just love your perspective on things.
