Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Holiday blues

Holidays are hard if you are alone or have had a loss this year. There is a dread of Christmas for many because of a death in the family, a loss due to divorce or simply the reality of being alone at the most family time of year.

If you are coming to this holiday with a loss in your family since last Christmas you will grieve, but take some time and celebrate all the holidays you did have with this one who isn't with you this year.

If you find yourself divorced this year you will discover that everything is completely different for you from last year, and depression may be part of the holiday. Look for ways to serve others during this time, and get involved in the lives of others who are hurting as well.

If you are alone this Christmas find others in the same situation and get together for a meal. Don't spend the time alone, get involved in the lives of others around you.

The suicide rate is highest during this holiday season. Be aware that the hurts of a loss, a divorce, or simply of being alone are magnified during the holiday. Look for those around you who are hurting and care for them, spend time with them, love them.

This is truly the time of God's comfort for us, the promise of hope, a time of joy. I hope you all have a great Christmas.

2Co 1:3 All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy! God of all healing counsel!
2Co 1:4 He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us.
2Co 1:5 We have plenty of hard times that come from following the Messiah, but no more so than the good times of his healing comfort--we get a full measure of that, too.


  1. Thank you for these words of encouragement. My mom and dad are separated and sold the family home this year. It will be our first Christmas morning in a different place. I appreciate the scripture and I will share this posting with my family.

    -Bonnye Kendall

  2. Another nice picture Mike, and an important topic.


  3. Wonderful post, Mike. We definitely will celebrate differently this year. I like the Scripture that you used as well as the paraphrase.

  4. Dear Mike,
    Thank you for your loving reminders to reach out. Your words already have born fruit, because this year is harder for me than any other. I've been well acquainted with death of loved ones, but with this one, I didn't feel like ever being a "vessel" again. However, little angels have called, and invited, and insisted on including me at this hard time (including your precious JoyeDeViv)... all are reminders that He won't leave me alone or forsaken, that He desires to comfort me. And you were the catalyst for many of those actions, so I praise God for you, and for your servant's heart. Thank you.
