Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Years!

This is the last day of 2006! Glad to see it go. It has been a hard year. I never dreamed we would go through all that we have this year, it's been amazing.
I'm really glad I have had a lot of hard years before this, it has made this one easier to survive. Is this one of those God things? God does build our endurance as we age. He is so kind to gradually equip us for the battles ahead.
But right now I just want to hide out with some cheese and crackers and wait for a new year to begin.
Happy New Year. I hope your 2007 is a great year.


  1. Me too! I hope 2007 is less stressful than 2006. I'm not sorry to see 2006 leave the building.

    Happy New Year!

  2. I'm excited to see what God has in store for CBC in 2007. I think it will be a great year!

    Happy New Year!

  3. I always love turning the calendar's last page and putting up a new one because no matter the year's blessings, the future has so much more hope.

  4. Good bye '06! It had its ups and downs for sure! Reflecting over the past year gives me many reasons to be thankful. I won't list them all here, but I do have a few that I want the world to know about.
    I am so thankful for such a strong and caring church body. We have held together through the worst thing that could happen to a church, and I too believe that God has some amazing things in store for us. I love our church!!
    I am also very thankful for your wisdom and leadership, Mike. You are a great teacher, and I look forward to your teaching.
    Of course I am very thankful for the other pastors as well! They are all wonderful, gifted, and talented leaders.
    Here's to a great 2007!
