Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Great books

I have had a few days off, and am catching up on my reading. I have a stack of books with me, and took some time yesterday to read a classic by Phillip Yancey. Although he doesn't define grace directly the stories he tells define it better than he could have done with a clear theological statement or definition. It's a great book, and very encouraging. It has made me deal with some heart attitudes of my own.

I find that the more I learn about the grace of God the more I want to know. I truly believe that the grace of God is one of the least understood truths of the Christian faith.

Years ago C.S. Lewis walked in on a discussion of his friends. They were discussing what made Christianity different from all the other religions. Lewis quickly responded, "grace!" That is the defining difference. In every other religion man is constantly trying to please the gods of their faith, only Christianity teaches that all God offers is free of charge!

If you're looking for a great book to read I would invite you to read Yancey's book.

1 comment:

  1. The Christian does not think that GOD will love us because we are good, but that GOD will makes us good because HE loves us. -C.S. Lewis

    It looks good Mike I would like to read it.

