Saturday, December 02, 2006


It's a great day for us. Our daughter, early this morning, had her 4th baby...a little boy. Her labor was just a few minutes, and she had the baby before the midwife could get there. Everything is great, and he is a cute kid! We were in such a rush to get up there at 1 am in the morning that we forgot our camera, but fortunately our dear friend and fellow parent, Jeannette, brought her camera so here's a first picture of the boy.


  1. Congrats! A boy! Ohhhh! What fun for those sisters!

  2. Oh my!! Congratulations Grandpa! What a cutie he is!

  3. Praise God!

    And he IS a good looking little fella.

    And then there were 4....that kid's really going to understand women.

  4. What a cutie! Congratulations! So glad to hear that everything went well. How fun to have a boy after all those girls. :)

  5. Congratulations to your family! He's beautiful. (Yes, boys are beautiful, too - I should know, I have 4 of them!). Great picture!
