Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Winter is coming!

Winter is coming to Texas tonight! It will be cold.....I don't like cold. I moved to the south from Iowa to get AWAY from the cold....but here it, snow, freezing rain, 30 degrees, WINTER! Did I mention that I don't like cold?

I know that seasons are one of God's great creations, and in fact it's a big help to nature to have these changes. I just wish it weren't so cold. Now I know that I sound old, but there's more to it than that. I really do love long days of sunlight, warm weather, and gentle makes me smile (I guess I should live in Hawaii.) But winter- short nights, cold, bad weather, snow, gloomy skies, cold, ice, heavy coats, biting winds, did I mention cold?

Ok, ok...enough already. I'm done. I won't complain anymore...I'm just glad I'm not a penguin.


  1. I don't mind the cold. I don't mind the heat. It's the way Texas gets from one to the other. Today, I'm in shorts, but my brain is telling me "mulch the pansies before the freeze!" Gets me all discombobulated.

  2. I'm not fond of the cold either. Too many years in Pennsylvania cured me of that disease. But my son and daughter-in-law! Oh how they gripe about the heat. And, "Oh, won't it soon get cold, please." Ah, the confusions of youth! They will be happy tomorrow, but griping that it doesn't last longer. And all the while I'm thinking...."at least it won't last long!" But I do get a kick out of the munchkins in the snow! Aren't we just the craziest family ever!

  3. i hope to see a snowflake or two in the mornng. but, sadly they are only calling for sleet and ice. maybe they will be wrong, they usually are. i love the cold wintery weather, always have. even considered moving to alaska.
    hang in there, it will be warm again way to soon! :)

  4. I grew up partially in Georgia some in West Virginia and the rest in South Carolina. I love the cold because you can bundle up. The heat well doesn't seem to care how much clothing you shed its still hot. Nothing like laying in your bed in a pool of sweat listening to June bugs and horse flys bounce against the window screens. Ahh weirdly as it sounds I miss it but not enough to repeat it willingly. Who knows, if I get ot goto Africa it would probably be the same.
    Anywho I leave another quote:

    Sin is sovereign till sovereign grace dethrones it.
    - Charles Spurgeon


  5. Dave - where are you from in SC? I am a native South Carolinian and grew up mostly in Greenville.

    Mike - sorry! I love the cold! Go figure how a girl who could love the beach so much could also love the cold. (Well, maybe not as cold as it is today - brrrr) The cold just gives me one more excuse for drinking a hot, steaming cuppa joe!

  6. I will sit at the table with Mike since he will be in the warm sunny spot. I don't like the cold either.

    As for penguins, we just watched March of the Penguins on Hallmark channel a few days ago. Oh my! Our Texas "arctic blast" is nothing compared to what those penguins endure!

  7. yeah, what's wrong with those penguins anyway? Don't they know it's too cold to live there?

  8. McClellanville SC. A little fishing village mainly. My Grampa was town Mayor there a long while ago and set up the first power company. (Mom wanted me to put that in) Did alot of shrimping back then. Sorry dont know a whole lot about Greenville. I know we went to Charleston a bunch and I ate alot of King Vitamin Cereal. Dang getting word again.

