Friday, November 03, 2006

Living in two worlds

A Christian is a very strange creation- living in the world of flesh and matter AND at the same time indwelt by the very spirit of the God who made us. Made alive because of His presence.

It's a strange creation. Paul described it this way,

2 Cor. 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.

What an amazing creation of God- a fallen man, saved by faith in Christ AND indwelt by His Spirit, given life he didn't have, to live eternally in the presence of God. In this time, until we enter eternity, we live in time AND in eternity, in the flesh AND in the Spirit, reading His word AND illuminated by His Spirit, walking in the flesh, but living by His Spirit.

Living in two worlds- the world of the flesh AND Spirit. No wonder we look so strange to the world!

1 comment:

  1. I guess its not the right thing to want if I said I would like to beat some since into someone huh? But what if it was out of love I wished to do so? I dont think this person would respond (well hasn't responded) to anything else. My other choice is to leave it alone - I have already confronted this person but he wouldnt listen. I know this must be GOD's work huh?

    -Peacefully Frustrated.
