Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Dry days

I find myself in a dry place. I'm in the word every day, but....

I feel like I'm in the part of my journey where I am now walking through a desert. I'm in the word each day, but still feeling dry and thirsty.

What do I do?

How do I get through this?

Keep "walking"...God has promised to provide, there must be water up ahead.

I can't stop here in the desert and be mad at God. I know there is water somewhere because I have been refreshed by it many times before.

Just because it dry here, right now, doesn't mean anything.

I will keep walking, these are the times when I know I will see miracles, don't forget about the rock of Horeb, gushing water for 2,000,000 children of Israel in the desert....the same desert I'm walking through.

Don't forget that God has given you water and met your needs your entire life. He won't stop now.....just keep walking.....

Joh 7:37 Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink.
Joh 7:38 "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'"


  1. Mike, it's time like this that you have to have to fly by instruments. Remember that your only trustworthy instrument is God's word. Follow him, and he will lead you to water.

    Much easier said then done of course.

  2. You know, I just read in Luke about Jesus' time in the wilderness and His temptation. It says that the devil was there the whole 40 days. That's a really long time, and yet what did He do? Return to the word.

    Last night I too needed refreshment and didn't know what else to do. The days here have been more wet (from tears) than dry, but I know that you know Who God Is and that He will refresh you soon. I'm praying for you, brother!

    Thank you for loving me and my family so well.

  3. Hey! I was just in that same desert! Good news! I did finally get out (at least for now...I have the feeling that desert thing isn't just a once in a lifetime occurance). I'll be praying for you. I know the frustrations of that dry place. I know that the Good Shepherd is right there with us in that dry place - it sometimes just takes a while to see Him.

  4. I cry out for the hand of God to shield you from the enemy in this time of draught. He is good and will do that for us. I cry out for a shower of blessings to refresh you. I cry out for you to be surprised by God today.

  5. I'll be honest with you , Mike. I'm walking along in the desert, too. I feel depleted and spent.

    Even though I haven't any great words of encouragement today, I would like to say how much I thank God for YOU (and your sweet wife, of course). I can't even think about what this would be like if we didn't have YOU to help guide us right now at the church.

    Just promise us one thing, Mike: that you will remain honest with us, just exactly as you are doing.

    You see, that transparency, in and of itself, is refreshing and encouraging to me, believe it or not. I guess it's because in your honesty and humility I can see what is true and real. And after everything we have encountered lately, we can't have too much honesty around here, in my opinion.

    But more importantly, the honesty and humility (reality) of where we are right now is groundwork for God. The way I see it, when God performs a miracle here (which HE WILL) we will see, all the more, HIS GREATNESS shining in obvious contrast to our human frailty. It's all about Him, not us, anyway. So, keep up the honesty.

    One last comment about the desert. I don't like it, not one bit, but when God comes walking toward me with that large pitcher of lemonade (in a little while), I know I am going to be grateful I have such a dry and thirsty soul that only He can quench. (and God makes the BEST lemonade around) ;)

    Hang in there, Mike. You are NOT alone out here. Never.

  6. Ditto Marsha! Mike, we love you, and Joye! Thank you again for your honesty, and please feel free to stop and take a well-deserved break. Get on that bike and RIDE!!! Sm

  7. Mike we love you and are praying for you. We are all so thankful for you and Joye and the words of wisdome and encouragement we receive from you! I hope that all of us are able to help you feel encouraged in this time!

  8. The best part is knowing that God is also the King of the desert.

    You do not walk alone. Last I noticed you have a pile of people who love you walking with you. Praying for you and yours....

    You encourage me, Mike.

  9. thanks you all for the encouragement. I just don't want this blog to be "plastic", so I'm sharing honestly, thanks so much for your love and thoughts...it is indeed a real blessing!
