Saturday, November 18, 2006

33 years ago today...

Time passes so fast. It was only yesterday that one of my best days ever happened, but as I look back it has been 33 years!

33 years ago today was a Sunday.

33 years ago today I was the minister of evangelism at a bible church in Ft. Smith, Arkansas working with a college friend of mine.

33 years ago today, at about this time in the day, we were in the morning know- doing church. My old friend, David Shibley, was pastor. We had a growing ministry we were trying to care for, and it was exciting!

33 years ago today, when the invitation was given, a young lady came forward to receive Christ as her savior. I prayed with her. Talked with her. It was great to see another person in the kingdom. (It's funny to me how a little meeting will turn out to be a big thing in the years ahead.)

33 years ago today, in the evening, we had a baptism service, and this young lady came back to be baptized with her family. I visited with her and her dad and uncle after the service. She was a real sweet girl. She had my attention. (And did I mention she was very pretty too?)

33 years ago today is when I met my wonderful wife, Joye. She was that young lady. I am blessed!

33 years...seems like such a short time to me now, but what a wonderful day it was in both of our lives.

Our lives are so short and how quickly they fly by. In each of our lives are days like mine and Joye's- days that may not seem like much right now, but are turning points in our lives. This is one of those days for us.

Pro 18:22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing And obtains favor from the LORD.

Pro 31:10 An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels.


  1. What a sweet tribute! She is beautiful, isn't she?

  2. Hi Pastor Mike,

    Didn't have the time to blog until yesterday. Changed my blog to beta (like what you did the last time!). Just discovered that it's really quite simple!

    Thanks for visiting me in Singapore. :)

    Yes! I have been enjoying your posts too. God bless you in your ministry, brother.

    In Christ,

  3. Thank you for such heartfelt messages the last 2 weeks. They have encouraged me.
