Sunday, October 29, 2006

The adventure begins

Brandon, Jenny and their son, Deacon are on their way to Guatamala in about 36 hours. It has been an amazing adventure to watch God prepare them to be missionaries. They are heading to another country to serve God. I am proud to call them my friends, and honored to serve God with them. But more than that I'm humbled by their faith.

I have put their web page address above. I invite you to pray for them, support them, and keep in touch with them.

I can't wait to see what God does in and through their lives.

What adventure is God preparing you for?


  1. Atoms dead could never thus
    stir the human heart of us
    Unless the beauty that we see
    The veil of endless beauty be,
    Filled full of spirits that have trod
    Far hence along the heavenly sod
    And seen the bright footprints of GOD.

    I have been blessed to see them grow in maturity with the LORD. Me and Matt drove quite a few crazy with our long talks in the parking lot of the Church. Your witness is well brother Brandon and I will miss you.

  2. Mike, have you heard if they've safely arrived in Guatemala? Been praying for them!

  3. no, I haven't heard yet, I am checking their web page, still waiting for news. I will let you all know.

  4. For what it's worth?? What does that mean?

    Glad you made it. Hope you are all well...thanks for the note.
