Thursday, September 28, 2006


I love signs, especially clear ones. Signs that tell you the information that you need to know- what to do, what not to do, where to go, what to watch out for, what to avoid, warning signs, information signs, worthless signs. They all are intended to tell you something. They are all written to communicate information. Each sign has a purpose. Each sign has direction. Each sign has information.
God has the best signs. He makes them bigger, better and clearer than any other sign maker in the universe.
What do his signs say?

Psa 19:1 The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.
Psa 19:2 Day to day pours forth speech, And night to night reveals knowledge.
Psa 19:3 There is no speech, nor are there words; Their voice is not heard.
Psa 19:4 Their line has gone out through all the earth, And their utterances to the end of the world


  1. How absolutely true!!! God doesn't stutter, does He? Did you feel that buzz in the air last night as we all gathered? (You might have been too exhausted!! :)) Man, it was there!

  2. I wish I was there to experience that buzz! I wonder if it will be there Sunday.

  3. The sign in your picture...what a laugh! I love that.

  4. Lord, why have I forsaken you? Why have I run from your countenance? Why am I not in your Word? When your people were under your wrath your Word was withhdrawn from them. Am I under your wrath? Have I been blinded? I am tired and I think I must be carrying this load myself I dont want to be a sinner, why must I be? Every good moment I have had in my life come from you. Even as I stuggle I see your hand in events directing not only in my life but in the lives of all. My bad turns to good in spite of me and I am glad for it. I see your hand even now with the events in the body of our church.
    I pray this:

    Word of God speak
    Would You pour down like rain
    Washing my eyes to see
    Your majesty
    To be still and know
    That You're in this place
    Please let me stay and rest

    In Your holiness
    Word of God speak

  5. Buzz....reminds me......I love the notion that the enemy has poked a hornet's nest. Look out! God is on the move. We are thoroughly equipped. Thoroughly ready. Exciting to see God at work in the lives of his children!

  6. Where do you get all these great pictures? I needed that one today - so funny! The fine print, especially.

    Thanks for sharing.

  7. "Kevin" commented above that there was some sort of gathering. Was this at the church? Was it something for everyone to attend? Was it in response to what has been going on? If so, why wasn't everyone notified???!!! I have been in desperate need for some sort of "corporate" grief/worship! SM

  8. SM,
    We had a meeting for our small group leaders and ministry leaders to help them with questions and other issues. I know that grief is hard, but I don't think we should linger too long at the graveside. We must each grieve in our own way, and move forward. It is a delicate balance, and hard to know when we need to take a breath and go on with life, but at some point we must, and then we will feel guilty for not grieving's such a frustrating mess of feelings and emotions.

    thanks for your note.
