Saturday, September 09, 2006

Looking like the Father

Eph 5:1 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children;
Eph 5:2 and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.

These words have always been challenging to me- "be imitators of God." The proper lifestyle for a christian is to imitate God. It's hard if you don't know what he would do in a situation, and then he helps us understand how to do this by saying, "and walk in love, just as Christ..."

Ah, now we have the example to follow, now we have the model. Christ is the one to watch, he's the father in flesh living out life as God on planet earth, imitate him.

That's why in my daily readings I am always somewhere in the gospels. It helps me. It's the life of Christ that not only shows me God's character, but it shows me how I'm to live.

I can't imitate someone I don't know, so I watch Jesus in the gospels, I listen to him, I get into the stories with the disciples, and I learn.....I learn about God, I learn about me, I learn how I'm to live, I learn who it is that I'm to imitate.

Be imitators of God...just as Christ.

The invitation is extended.

The example has been lived.

The resources are provided.

Do you look like the Father?


  1. hey mike,
    toally off subject, but what happened to Kathy's blog. I went to check in and see how she's doing and it was gone. I hope she's ok. Le ther know she's in my prayers.

  2. Which Kathy are you looking for? I know of two that you might have seen, are you talking about the Kathy dealing with loss? Her blog is still up and at this address:

    If this is the wrong one, let me know. thanks, Mike

    7:31 PM
