Thursday, September 14, 2006

Jesus loves the little children...

Jesus loves the little children...

All the children of the world...


and yellow,


and white,

They are precious in his sight,

Jesus loves the little children of the world....

An old song from years ago came to my mind tonight. The song has been long forgotten, but the message is wonderful. There is a savior who loves and cares for each one of us. I think it's the personal relationship with Christ that is so attractive to me. That God would love ME, and care about me. What an amazing thought. The one who made me really does care about me and loves me.
We are all so blessed by this fact- Jesus does love us little children, all of us.
And all we have to do to respond that that love is accept the gift of salvation he has provided.


  1. Wow! A new look for your blog!

    And yes, we all have to be little children to come to Christ. A child at heart, that is, without the wisdom and pride of this world. Thanks Mike, for reminding us that Jesus loves the little children. It’s a very comforting thought.

    Vincent Chia

  2. Mike, that was precious. I loved it. What a great visual to go with a fond song memory from childhood.

    Schweers' Mom
