Monday, September 04, 2006


I'm amused by my occasional attempts at being in control…not sure of what, just to be in control of something. It makes me somehow seem to be an important part of the cosmos, and then I remember….oh yeah, I’m not in control of anything!

After a good laugh at myself I get back at the task of living life, and trying to find a new way to control something, anything! It’s hard to keep still, and not try to “be god” somewhere. I feel like I'm a character in the cartoon "Pinky and the brain." (The brain is a mouse on a daily quest to rule the world, for those of you who don't watch cartoons.)

I know I’m not alone in this…it’s a common malady of fallen man, but it’s very frustrating. I constantly have to get back to the bible to remember who actually is holding the sun in His hands.

Psa 113:1 Praise the LORD! Praise, O servants of the LORD, Praise the name of the LORD.
Psa 113:2 Blessed be the name of the LORD From this time forth and forever.
Psa 113:3 From the rising of the sun to its setting The name of the LORD is to be praised.
Psa 113:4 The LORD is high above all nations; His glory is above the heavens.
Psa 113:5 Who is like the LORD our God, Who is enthroned on high,
Psa 113:6 Who humbles Himself to behold The things that are in heaven and in the earth?


  1. Pastor Mike;

    Im speachless. What a wonderful thing, this blogging, and I realise that theres the good and bad in everything, "eat the meat and spit out the bones", my grandma used to say. This seems to be a way for those in the pew to let their voice be heard, and the pastors, teachers and etc to become more human. Thank you for your willingness to share who you really are.....maybe you already do....forgive me if I've assumed to much reguarding your character...but I'm one of those outsiders that didn't know there were any real christians left on the inside. I was wrong....God bless you and keep you in the hallow of His hand. jd

  2. Good post, brother. How true it is, that we can be "little gods" in areas of our lives, and yet not realize it.

    BTW, Pinky is a little silly, but I think he is better than the "Brain." :)

    Vincent Chia

  3. This is Brandon.

    It's funny and I guess a little sad how we take our authority and freedom as His image-bearers and use it to try and trump our maker.

    On good days I laugh it off too. Praise God that every day can be a good one because He is lord over it!

    Your thoughts are priceless, brother.
