Thursday, August 03, 2006

Did you ever have one of those weeks?


  1. This really made me giggle (although it was a little gross!). Sorry you are having a bad week. Wonder what God's going to do???

  2. I thought it was gross too, but I have never seen a picture that could better describe a bad week. Thanks for your giggle. I have read your blog too, and wonder what picture you would use for your last 15 months? I know it's trite, but we are praying for you.

  3. I've been having one of those years...

  4. Hadn't thought about what picture. That would be interesting. Despite it being a frustrating year, there have been some really great moments of grace in it all. So it wouldn't be ALL bad (maybe a picture of some decadent chocolate with some castor oil??) =-) I am reading an excellent book about grief. It's called "A Grace Disguised" by Sittser - you would like it.

  5. The last few months have been like that for me! LOL!

    thanks for the laugh...
