Saturday, July 29, 2006

A reason to live

This is my first blog. Let me begin this blog site with a quote that has haunted me since I first read it. It is never far from my thoughts-

“"It takes a lifetime to just begin to understand the truth. It's a long journey, and one that is filled with adventure. To not go is to become mostly bored, and resigned to finding entertainment as stimulus to ease the soul ache."
-- D.J. Chuang

I am a Christian pastor in Texas in my mid 50's. I have fewer years left that I have already used up. I want to finish well. I have no desire to retire. My goal is to use every day to make a difference in the world where God has placed me.

I invite you to join me in this quest- to live well, for the glory of God.


  1. YAY!! How wonderful that I can continue to be blessed by your words of wisdom and encouragement from afar! Thank you = )

  2. Let me rephrase that...your wisdom and encouragement isn't from afar... I'm afar but will still be blessed by you. Don't ya just love misplaced modifiers?? hahahahaha
