Monday, October 27, 2008

Never give up!

Never give up! Never quit! Life is too short to can rest when you get to eternity...until then use every moment to serve God and save up wages for eternity.
If you can't do things the way you used to do them then find a new way. As long as you have breath use your life for God.
As one friend told me recently, "I'm tired, but I can rest when I'm dead...until then there's a lot to do!"
In a world that needs Jesus those who know him already are the ones who must share it with the world. Never give up! Never quit! If you can't get there on 2 wheels there will always be a's too short to retire. Eternity is too long to have regrets.


Anonymous said...

Save up wages for eternity...put stuff where it won't rust. It's always intrigued me on how that should be handled; is it okay to keep track of it; the stuff you know, anyway? Feel good about feeling good about it - not in a prideful way but to...enjoy?...the process? High five Him while making deposits?

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the Little Engine That Could. Perhaps I need to purchase that book for my kiddos!

Mike Messerli said...

Kevin, yes to all your questions. keep track, celebrate, high 5...and all that. what we won't see are all the things God did when we did even try...that's where the surprises and the real treasures will be.